Alzheimer’s and Dementia Services of Northern Indiana provides you with the tools you need to be a confident, educated, and understanding caregiver to those you love.

Over 77,000 individuals are living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia within Northern Indiana alone. Over 234,000 unpaid caregivers are providing care, at times even 24 hours a day 7 days a week, to meet the needs of these individuals. Did you know that in some cases, that is equivalent to holding down 4 full-time jobs?!

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Services of Northern Indiana is here to provide you with the tools you need to be a confident, educated and understanding caregiver to those you love. It is not an easy journey. There will be bumps along the way. We are here to walk with you, hand-in-hand.

ALZNI events encompass all aspects of care. There are educational opportunities to enhance your knowledge and understanding, social opportunities to attend together with your loved one in safe spaces, respite opportunities to get a break from your caregiving role, and even peer group opportunities for your loved one to stay connected.


Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming Events at this time.

Event Descriptions

ALZ 101

Just starting out? Need a refresher? This course will give you the basic information and facts to start you on the right foot down the caregiving path. Great session for friends and family members as well!

Care Partner Academy

The Care Partner Academy is a monthly educational series currently offered virtually to all caregivers to explore topics encountered in everyday situations when living with a person affected by dementia.

Community Education Sessions

We collaborated with other professional service providers each month to bring you in-person informational sessions on dementia care topics and services available in your own area.

Living Life Well

Living Life Well is designed for those living with a dementia diagnosis where participants interact with peers and enjoy activities and entertainment separate from their caregivers.

Lunch and Learn

Lunch and Learn sessions are offered across our service area. Enjoy a meal and get information on important topics and services.

Neighborhood Partners

Neighborhood Partners is a casual social gathering where caregivers and their loved ones affected by dementia come together for a meal, fun activities, and socialization with others.

Memory Screenings

Memory screenings are offered by ALZNI for those concerned about a loved one's cognitive health. These non-diagnostic screenings are a recommended tool for use in talking with a physician.

Speaking Engagements

ALZNI offers speaking engagements for groups covering a variety of general and specific topics related to caregiver health and the journey of dementia and memory loss.